You're Invited: Public Meeting

Construction Hotline: 1-888-312-2151

20 miles
Reconstruction for more lanes and safety features including lights and other future safety enhancements
The Turner Turnpike is a vital turnpike corridor that connects Oklahoma’s two metro areas. Improving safety and convenience on this road is a priority for the OTA. This reconstruction/safety project will occur between Bristow and the Creek Turnpike West (State Highway 364) section of the Turner Turnpike. In the last five years there have been 15 fatalities and 514 wrecks on this section of road. This project will create an “urban turnpike corridor” with lighting, wider lanes and the addition of lanes. It will allow for the future creation of truck-specific lanes for quick and safe access.

Documentation for this project will be added as it becomes available. Thank you for your patience.

Jun. 2019
Turnpike construction between Sapulpa and Bristow expected to be completed.

Nov. 15, 2018
Turner Turnpike Expansion construction completed between mile markers 202 and 208.

Aug. 8, 2017
Turner Turnpike Expansion project begins between mile markers 207 and 221

Aug. 1, 2017
Construction informational meeting with Sapulpa and area residents and community members to discuss Turner Turnpike expansion project between mile markers 207 and 221. Meeting will be at Sign of the Times in Sapulpa at 6 p.m.