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Does work on the program restart immediately?No, it will take months to obtain funding from the bond market and restart the engineering work on the many projects across the state. Updates on project timelines will be made available on those project pages.
Where can I find information about a project affecting me or my community?You can find the interactive project map on this homepage below and project information on each individual project page from the menu on the top of this page.
Why did the OTA stop working on all new projects?Several factors impacted this decision. In recent months, legal matters pending before the Supreme Court, including the “validation” case have prevented access to the bond market. Previously, OTA stopped work on several legally challenged projects to try and minimize the impacts to Oklahomans while waiting for a validation decision from the Supreme Court. OTA’s hope was that the issues could be resolved quickly. After much consideration, OTA’s leadership team feels it is necessary to stop all work on the comprehensive, long-range plan as of Friday, April 14. This stoppage includes the work on the Turner Turnpike as well as the widening and interchange additions for safety and community access on other highly used turnpikes across the state – projects that are high priorities to the board and OTA as a whole.
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