South Extension Turnpike
Corridor Manager:
Tommy Evans, PE
Poe & Associates
~19 Miles
(Updated as of 11/07/2024)
New alignment high-speed expressway facility
The extension from the East-West Connector near Indian Hills Rd. south to I-35 near Purcell expands the mobility of the southeast Oklahoma City metro by providing greater access to local communities. This will be a vital corridor for the transportation network of central Oklahoma by providing an alternate route to I-35 for traffic between southern, eastern and northeastern Oklahoma as well as providing an additional Canadian River Crossing.
The project includes interchanges at:
- East-West Connector
- Alameda Drive
- SH-9
- Etowah Rd
- US-77
- I-35
Content will be continuously provided as project progresses.
Milestones will be added as project progresses.
Oct. 17, 2023
First ACCESS Program Bond Sale.
Apr. 14, 2023
OTA placed all work on the ACCESS program on pause.
Jan. 18, 2023
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation denied OTA’s application to cross two sections of its property with the South Extension Turnpike, citing that it does not meet the Congressionally authorized purposes for the land. The decision by the USBR could require OTA to modify the direction of the proposed alignment of the South Extension turnpike to avoid USBR fee title land.
Dec. 8, 2022
OTA placed all work on the South Extension Corridor on pause.
June 8, 2022
Contracts executed for the following firms to begin engineering design on the second priority East-West Connector projects:
May 27, 2022
Contracts executed for the following firms to begin engineering design:
April 14-21, 2022
A series of four public meetings were hosted by OTA to discuss the new alignments in the ACCESS program.
April 13, 2022
ACCESS Oklahoma Newsletter sent out to property owners in the vicinity of the corridor.
Mar. 11, 2022
Engineering teams assigned to specific projects throughout the program to begin preliminary design and necessary studies of the corridor.
Feb. 22, 2022
Details of the long-range plan, designated as the ACCESS Oklahoma Program, are announced and supporting website published.
Dec. 7, 2021
Secretary Gatz announces the OTA's intent to develop a 15-year long-range transportation infrastructure improvement plan.